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    上海镐渭与加拿大Solex Thermal Science Inc.公司深度合作超过十五年,是最早将Platecoil传热板技术引进中国的企业,是加拿大Solex在中国的唯一授权制造基地和中国服务中心,上海镐渭和加拿大Solex一起成为中国Platecoil传热板换热技术的领导者。上海镐渭是中国纯碱协会和中国磷复肥协会会员单位,并多次获得相关协会的技术进步奖。
 Chemequip Industries Ltd. is a company that specializes in Platecoil R&D, design, manufacture and technical services. The headquarter is located in Songjiang District, Shanghai City, China. We have 600 m2 office building and 3,000 m2 workshop in Shanghai City and 20,000m2 workshop under construction in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province, Chemequip has 16 patent certificates and passed ISO9001 quality system certification. Since 2018, Chemequip has been selected as a national high-tech enterprise. Chemequip is a member of China Soda Ash Association and China Phosphate Compound Fertilizer Association. The main products are bulk solid cooler, bulk solid heater, bulk solid dryer, flue gas heater, flue gas condenser, waste heat recovery heat exchanger, ice machine and Water chillers, marine oil storage tank heaters, plate falling film evaporators, plate dehumidifiers, sewage heat exchangers, plate self-cleaning heat exchangers, slaughter line cooling plates and various custom shaped custom heat transfer plates, main product applications In the fields of chemical, pharmaceutical, energy and environmental protection. In addition to its leading position in the Chinese market, the company's products are also exported to Germany, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and other countries and regions.

地址1:北京市通州区新华南路34号2号楼2402; 地址2:北京东燕郊开发区燕顺路紫竹湾商业广场1号楼2411-2412
电话:010-88490855 传真:010-58129750 京ICP备:10054009