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Shenzhen Kanion Technology Co., Limited
Kanion Group of Companies
Kanion Group has become one of the most Recognizable Domestic Brands Globally, initially introduced as an Innovator in the field of Air Conditioners. In a constant pursue to turn inapproachable, costly technologies into the new norm, we source & assemble only the latest, cutting-edge, technologically advanced parts, while invest our research in environmentally friendly material resources & novel production practices.

地址1:北京市通州区新华南路34号2号楼2402; 地址2:北京东燕郊开发区燕顺路紫竹湾商业广场1号楼2411-2412
电话:010-88490855 传真:010-58129750 京ICP备2022019406号-2